Utilizing many outstanding achievements of science and technology, UV paint equipment and machinery has brought many impressive benefits, playing an important role in daily life. This is also seen as a potential opportunity for a high standard of living and an effective business strategy to increase competitiveness compared to other paint products in the market. To not miss any information about new product lines and their many advantages, let's explore UV paint equipment and machinery through the following article!
UV painting equipment with automatic conveyor systems is mainly used in the production of flooring. The paint is thinly rolled onto the surface of the wood or board and then dried using UV rays, also known as ultraviolet rays.
This painting technology is considered an important step forward that many customers and businesses invest in due to the following advantages:
With the advantages of UV painting equipment, it is truly impressive, isn't it? Without further ado, we will reveal the popular UV painting equipment on the market!
More modern than the previous 2-axis product line, the 3-axis UV painting machine has one more axis, resulting in a significantly increased working capacity. The working width reaches 620/1320 mm depending on the model, and the thickness is also increased, allowing the machine to meet any requirements for surface decoration and coating on wood, furniture, etc.
Not only equipped with an automatic paint sprayer with impressive efficiency on the Schone paint line, but each machine also comes with 1-5 UV drying lamps with a separate model suitable for each product design thickness.
Each model is designed with suitable lamp arrangements for each device, helping the drying process to take place quickly. Inside each 3-axis UV painting machine is a well-ventilated fan and high-capacity exhaust system that helps extend the lifespan of the UV lamp.
Woodmaster's UV paint equipment - China is also one of the widely used product lines in the market. With the high-pressure spray system and drying system, the WM-4S-UVD 4-sided UV paint sprayer also owns the same system as Schone's equipment.
Specifically, the WM-4S-UVD's spray system has a minimum length of 800mm, a maximum width of 250mm, and a power of 21 kW.
The UV drying machine with 8 lamps for fast and efficient drying, with a conveyor speed of 0-40 mph. The WM-4S-UVD high-pressure spray machine with 4 sides and 8 lamps, specifically, and Woodmaster's products, in general, offer customers a long-term warranty of 12 months for both the mechanical and electrical parts.
Choosing reputable supply units is a wise choice to own high-quality products with stable operation, meeting high aesthetic value standards. If you need to buy UV paint equipment, we - Vetta Co., Ltd. are confident to become a reliable and worthy partner for you to choose. With us, customers will receive the following benefits:
With the information we have just shared, we hope that you will choose the best and most suitable UV paint equipment that provides solutions to the question of what UV paint equipment is used for. If you need more specific advice on which product line to choose, please contact us at the hotline number for the fastest and most detailed support!